Solicitors Fees

Pay band

Fee earner

London grade 3


Solicitors and legal executives with over 8 years’ experience

£301+VAT £60.20


Solicitors and legal executives with over 4 years’ experience

£247+VAT £49.40


Other solicitors or legal executives and fee earners of equivalent experience

£197+VAT £39.40


Trainee solicitors, paralegals and other fee earners

£138+VAT £27.60

Please note that the rates above do not include VAT (20%).

Time spent travelling or waiting is charged at half the above rates + VAT (20%). Travel by car is chargeable at the rate of 45 pence per mile + VAT (20%). Other travel and parking costs are chargeable at the cost incurred subject to the addition of value added tax at the prevailing rate when applicable.

The above covers most areas of the law that we cater for; and is set as a standard minimum rate we will charge. Alternately we, on occasion may charge a fixed fee or stage by stage fee.

The fixed fees are mostly commonly charged for conveyancing matters, immigration and other areas of law where the work is set out and one can contemplate completion within a certain number of hours.

Stage by stage is where we may charge

Stage 1

The pre-litigation fee to be negotiated considering the matter at hand.

Stage 2

The Lodging of the Claim or filing Defence fee to be negotiated in light of the matter.

Stage 3

The Hearing; fee to be negotiated.

Stage 4

if the matter falls into this category this forms the post litigation, retrieval or enforcement stage, fee to be negotiated.

On some matters we cater for our clients by way of Conditional Fee Agreement CFA. This in layman’s terms translates into “No Win No FEE”, where you will be charged at the end of the matter plus success fee and on occasion, we may request that you pay disbursements upfront. However, all agreements are negotiated at inception. Mostly we put forth our model CFA.